Google will now give a summary of the entire web page on Chorme Browser, know how?

By | September 27, 2023
Google will now give a summary of the entire web page on Chorme Browser

Google recently started testing a new feature on the Chrome browser that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to summarize web pages. This feature is called Search Generative Experience (SGE) while browsing and is part of the ‘Search Generative Experience’ (SGE), the experimental version of Google Search.

This feature is designed to help with reading longer articles. When the user visits an article’s page, Chrome shows a ‘Generate’ button. On clicking this button, the browser generates a summary of the main information of the article with the help of AI.

This feature enables users to access important information without the need to read long articles. AI-generated bullet point lists contain article information, with links that take you directly to the section you’re looking for.

Google says that this feature will be available only on certain webpages. This will only work for articles that are freely available on the Internet. This feature will not work for paywalled content, as Google wants publishers to have control over their content.

SGE Wile Browsing is currently available as a Search Labs experiment, allowing users to test the feature. Google says that this feature will be available on Android and iOS apps and desktop Chrome soon. It will be interesting to see how much users are able to take advantage of this new AI feature.

Many major tech companies like Google and Microsoft are working towards integrating AI into their services. AI assistant tools can help users find and understand information. However, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated content remains a challenge.

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Some experts believe that AI summary generating tools may pose a threat to authors and publishers, as readers may be satisfied with only reading summaries and will not reach the original content. This can affect the earnings of authors and publishers.

Google, on the other hand, says that this feature will only work for freely available content, so it will not harm authors and publishers. In fact, this feature can help readers access authors’ content.

Only time will tell whether AI summary generating tools will actually prove beneficial for readers and writers. Right now Google has only started testing it. It is expected that in the future, more useful and safe methods of AI will be discovered that will work in the interest of both users and content creators.