In today’s time, the craze for online games has increased a lot. Keeping the same in mind, currently there is another game which is quite popular and people like to play that game. Whose name is Call Of Duty, most of you must know about this app,
But do you know that you can earn a good amount by playing this game, if not, then through this post we will tell you all about what is Call of Duty game and how to earn money by playing this game. We are going to give detailed information.
If you too have been playing the Call of Duty game for a long time, but are not aware of how it earns money, then do not worry at all, because there are many people who are not aware of it, so let us know. How can you earn money from this?
What is Call Of Duty Game?
Call Of Duty is an online mobile game that can be used on both mobile and computer platforms. There are a lot of enemies in this game, by killing all those enemies the game reaches to the last, meaning in simple words, there are a lot of enemies in it and among all those enemies you have to survive till the end.
If you survive till the end then you are declared the winner of that game. There are many options available in this game, through which this mobile game becomes quite unique. This mobile game can be easily played even on local devices,
But it is mandatory for the mobile to have at least more than 2GB of RAM. Only then is this possible. Ever since Call of Duty was launched on the Play Store, the popularity of this game has increased a lot and in today’s time, a lot of people are playing this game. Likes to play games.
Ways to earn money from Call Of Duty game
1. Participate in competitive tournaments
If you are a gamer and play the Call Of Duty game very well, then participating in the tournament can be even better for you. Yes friends, nowadays there are many people who play Call Of Duty game and they earn money in many ways, one of them is tournament.
You get to see a lot of winning prizes in the tournament and the easier the match becomes, then this method is going to be very good for those who play the game well. If you also have a good score and your score wins the match with very good performance, then you can participate in competitive tournaments and win good price money.
2. By organizing a tournament
As you all know, big players win a good amount of money by participating in tournaments of various types of online games. Similarly, you can also organize a tournament of Call Of Duty game and you can keep an entry fee to participate in that tournament.
Through which all the teams participating in the tournament can do so only by paying that entry fee and through that entry fee only you will be able to generate your extra income or if you take sponsorship in the online field then you can also earn money with the help of that sponsorship . Can earn a good amount. This is also a good means of earning from Call Of Duty Game, with the help of which you can organize a great tournament.
3. By live stream
Actually, live stream has become quite normal these days because there are many types of digital platforms where live streaming option is available, one can earn a good amount of money by doing live stream. Similarly, you can live stream the Call Of Duty game and many platforms are available for live streaming.
Like YouTube , Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , Thread etc., this is such a social media platform, where you can live stream the Call Of Duty game and the more audience you have on those social media, the more money you can earn.
In many applications you will get direct income and in many you will have to earn by doing extra work, so this is also a great way. If you have knowledge about Call Of Duty game.
4. By making clip video
The way you will earn by live stream of Call Of Duty game. Similarly, there is another way by which you can earn a good amount of money and that way is clip video, meaning you can make short videos ranging from 30 seconds to 1 minute and you can upload those videos in any type of shorts mobile app. You can share it in all of them and in the clip you can create a video in entertainment category or knowledge content. People like to watch this type of content.
As you all know that there are many types of tips and tricks in Call of Duty, so you can create those types of tips and tricks in clip video and share that video in Shorts Video app. .
After this, the more followers increase, the more you will be able to earn, so this is also a great way to earn money from Call Of Duty game.
5. Tips and Tricks Create a Blog
Nowadays, there are many people who do not have much knowledge about the Call Of Duty game and they face a lot of difficulty in how the game is played, so you can read the tips and tricks related to the Call Of Duty game. Can create a blog.
In which you can give information to people in written language about where to fight with the enemies and what kind of gaming performance has to be done to win the match. Similarly, in this game, you will get content related to many types of tips and tricks, which you can create in written language.
After this, you can promote your blog or website with the help of social media so that more and more people will visit your website and the more you visit, the more money you will be able to earn from the website .
So if you are looking for a good category to create a website, then you can earn by sharing all the types of content of Call Of Duty game in your website.
How to download Call Of Duty game?
- First of all you have to open Play Store.
- Play Store will open, then click on search and write Call Of Duty.
- After this, the official app will come on the first number, then you have to click on that app.
- As soon as you do, you will see the install option on the side. As you click on that option, Call and Duty game will start downloading on your mobile phone.
- So in this way you can download the app.
Can I earn money from Call Of Duty game?
If you also have the same question that can I also earn money by playing Call Of Duty game, then yes, it is absolutely possible. You can earn a good amount of money through all the methods we have mentioned in this article.
And along with the mentioned methods, there are many other methods which you can follow to earn huge income, but you have to pay attention to one thing, you will have to work hard to earn, only then it is possible. People are not able to earn for this reason because they do not feel like working, after working for a month they do not get results and then they get disappointed.
So you do not have to do this type of work, you have to work continuously until you succeed, after that you will easily get success in the work from which you can earn.
Does it cost money to earn from Call of Duty?
Yes, not at all, if you have any good skill related to this game then you can use that skill and earn for free and to earn money for free, you have to take the help of social media. For example, you will find many apps and platforms on the internet like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook etc. through which you can create content related to Call of Duty.
And after creating, you can share it on all social media apps. After this you will get many types of brand sponsorships and you can charge extra for doing all that work.
How to win Call Of Duty game
If you are new to this game and do not know how to win the game, then do not worry at all, we are giving you some tips and tricks through which you can easily win every match in Call Of Duty. can do.
- First of all you have to have a good device.
- After the device, you have to setup all the settings according to your hand skills.
- When your mobile is completely setup, then it is time to practice, so first of all you have to get training by playing all the types of maps available.
- So that you will know which way of firing causes good damage.
If you follow all these points properly then we can say with confidence that you will find it easy to win every match and can easily win the game of Call of Duty.
Can you earn directly from Call Of Duty game?
Yes, if we talk about earning money from Call Of Duty game, then you cannot earn directly from it, but one thing to keep in mind is that you can participate in the tournament of Call Of Duty and after participating in that tournament, if you win. If you go, you will get to see a good winning prize pool from the gaming platform, so you can earn money in that way.
Another way is if you have a good audience on any platform and you create content related to Call Of Duty game, then you will get a good income source from it and can also get a very profitable prize from the gaming company.