5G will Play an Essential Role in Military

By | September 27, 2023

The world over 5G is gradually being adopted by countries for general communications, and a variety of military missions. A number of military and defense applications will benefit from the high speed, increased capacity, and lower latency Internet network provided by the fifth-generation mobile network technology. In the 21st century, with its ultra-high data rates and virtually instantaneous real time transmissions, 5G will set in motion another digital revolution on the battlefield. Congressional research service of the United States has published a report titled ‘National security implications of Fifth-generation (5G) mobile technologies’. This report and some other articles shed some light on the potential use of 5G in military applications. Let’s take a look at 7 roles of 5g technology in military use.

1. 5G in Hypersonic Weapons

Hypersonic missiles travel at a very fast speed of more than Mach 5. They need to be guided on variable trajectories, change their direction in order to dodge interceptor missiles. For this enormous amounts of data needs to be transferred in fractions of second. 5G can better manage such transfer of data.

2. 5G in Hypersonic Missile Defence

If a Hypersonic weapon is approaching towards a city, ship, or a military base, it has time of less than one minute to react to it. Detecting the projectile, tracking it and launching air defence measures also require transfer of enormous data within seconds.

3. 5G in Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

(ISR) ISR systems will be improved enormously with 5G. For example, current drones cannot stream 4K videos. With 5G, drones will be able to live stream real-time 4K videos, do better object recognition and faster data transmission.

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4. 5G in Drones And Artificial Intelligence

With 5G, drones can choose targets more accurately and intelligently. They can use artificial intelligence technologies like facial recognition to select targets. Also, swarm drones can be more effectively managed by 5G networks and Artificial intelligence.

5. 5G In Smart Military Base

Faster data transfer rates and low latency of 5G can enable improved Command and Control (C2) systems. Logistics can be improved with technologies like Smart Warehousing.

6. 5G In Battle Networks

Modern militaries rely on data connected war fighters. It includes interconnected soldiers, vehicles, command post, ships, satellites, planes, etc. They require transmission of voice, data, imagery, and signals. High speed capacity of 5G technology can make such real time communication possible.

7. 5G in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR & VR)

Pilots are already using these technologies. AR and VR devices with 5G technology will be useful in simulation, training and mission rehearsal for soldiers. They can be capacity booster in the battlefield as well for target acquisition and tracking, identifying friend and foe. In short, 5G technology will significantly influence military applications. Its function goes beyond only facilitating communication; it also increases the lethality of both soldiers and weaponry. Significant advancements in military will be achieved thanks to 5G technology.