Hackers selling online over 500 millions whatsapp users data

By | September 27, 2023

Hackers have stolen the data of crores of users of the instant messaging app WhatsApp. It is being told that the data of users of 84 countries including India, America, Saudi Arabia and Egypt is being hacked and sold online. The data of about 487 million WhatsApp users around the world has been hacked. The hacked data also includes mobile numbers of WhatsApp users from 84 countries, out of which 61.62 lakh phone numbers are of Indians. Let us inform that earlier last year the data of more than 500 million users of Facebook was also stolen.

According to the report, the sale of mobile numbers of 487 million WhatsApp users has been claimed by advertising on a hacking community forum. It is being told that this is the latest data of 2022. Explain that this type of data is mostly used in phishing attacks. Also these numbers can be used in marketing. Especially companies providing financial services can use them to call or send messages to users to sell their products. However, the biggest threat is that of phishing and fraud.

Data of users around the world was hacked

The data of users from around 84 countries around the world has been hacked. Out of 84 countries, the maximum data of 4.48 crore users is from Egypt. After this, the data of 3.56 crore users of Italy, 3.23 crore of America, 2.88 crore of Saudi Arabia and 1.98 crore of France is included. India is at number 25 in the list of hacked users.

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Data of 50 crore users of Facebook was hacked

Before WhatsApp, the data of more than 50 crore users of Facebook was also stolen last year. After which the hackers had offered to give this information to the users for free. The hacked data also included phone numbers and other details of the users.