Hello friends, in today’s time a word “Law of Attraction” is becoming quite popular on the internet, but do you know what is Law of Attraction, how it works and how you can earn lakhs and crores of rupees from it.
Friends, in this post you will only learn how to earn money through Law of Attraction, but Law of Attraction is not used only for earning money, you can use it for any work, business , love, health, government job or any other things. what you want to achieve in your life
Law of Attraction means attracting something with love or desiring to get it, it means whatever you can think, you can get it, you just have to have faith in your thinking, determination to do the work, then you will get those things guaranteed.
If you want detailed information about it, then read this post completely because in this we will give you complete information along with Law of Attraction , so that all the doubts in your mind about what is Law of Attraction and how it works will be removed.
What is Law of Attraction (What is Law of Attraction in Hindi)
Law of Attraction is an English word which means in Hindi “to attract with love” whatever you want to get in your life like love, money, business, education , job or any other things which you like, which is your dream.
There are three rules of Law of Attraction: Ask, Believe and Receive , through which you can achieve anything in life and can also earn unlimited money. You can get as much as you can think.
This Law of Attraction is made up of the words Love and Attract + Action, in which Love means love, Attract means attraction and Action means action, through which you can achieve anything in life.
Today all the rich people in the world follow the Law of Attraction, through which their thinking has changed, their negativity has gone away and they earn immense wealth by thinking positive.
How does the Law of Attraction work?
Friends, you must have heard that before the construction of any thing starts, its structure, design etc. are first formed in our mind and then the work starts whether it is a small work or a big work.
Today when a house is constructed then first the map is made and then the work starts. Even if Taj Mahal is built then the builder must have first made the map in his mind and then he must have built the Taj Mahal.
The same Law of Attraction also works. Whatever you want to achieve in life, first of all those things should come in your mind, only then you can get those things. Those things which you have never thought about, you can never get them.
For example, if you want to buy a car, then first of all you have to think about the car, which car to buy, which color to buy, when to buy, all these things should be in your mind, this is what is mentioned in the Law of Attraction (Ask – Asking) is called
The second part of this (Believe – Faith) is also important that you can get what you asked for. If you do not have faith then you will not be able to get that thing, hence you should have 100% faith, this faith will help you in achieving your goal. will do
Now its third part (Receive –) in which you have believed in what you asked for, have done the hardest work to get it, then you will get that thing 100%. This is how the Law of Attraction works.
How to earn money from Law of Attraction
Friends, to earn money through Law of Attraction, you need to learn three things mainly. First of all you have to learn to ask for the amount of money you want to earn, then you have to believe in it that you can get it 100%, only then you will You can earn money through Law of Attraction
Many people know the Law of Attraction by just thinking about it, that is, just put a photo and keep thinking about it, then you will get that thing, but it is not so, the word Action is attached to the Law of Attraction and you will learn to do this Action – Karma, only then you will get the Law. of Attraction will work for you.
1. Ask – Learn to ask
As I have told you in Law of Attraction, learning to ask is also an art. For example, if you want to earn Rs 1 crore in a year, then first of all you have to learn to ask for Rs 1 crore.
Does it seem possible in your mind to earn one crore rupees in a year? If yes, you think it is possible then you should firmly inculcate in your mind that I have to earn one crore rupees in a year and that too in the right way, this is the number two task .
For this, you can note this thing in a diary or make a photo and put it on the wall, you can set the wall paper on your mobile or laptop where your eyes fall on it all the time and you realize that in a year I have to want to earn crores of rupees
Here you can set any big or small amount for money which you feel is possible according to the source of your income, do not think of such a lofty amount which is more than your background and source, otherwise you will not be able to earn that much money. Or it may take more time to earn that money.
2. Believe in the amount you ask for.
Friends, belief is the most important part in the Law of Attraction. If you have thought of earning one crore rupees, then first of all you should have the belief that I can earn this much because this belief will bring you success.
If you do not believe that one crore can be earned then you can never earn one crore because when you have confidence in your mind then even the most difficult task becomes easy but if you do not have faith then even small task becomes a task.
If you do not believe in earning one crore then think of a small amount which you can believe 100% that I can earn this much, only then the Law of Attraction will work for you. If your belief decreases even by 1% then you will not be able to earn that much money more than you thought.
3. Action – Learn to do 100% action
Friends, by asking and believing, you will not be able to earn as much money as you have asked because in the Law of Attraction, only action can bring you success, this is not the way to earn money sitting at home .
If you have thought of earning Rs 1 crore in a year, then you will have to work hard for Rs 2 crore. At this time you may not have the source to earn Rs 1 crore, but you will have to work to create a source and earn maximum money from it . will be
Here, even if one work fails, you will have to start another work, start the third one, you will have to learn to work continuously, you will have to learn to make more and more money from it. Here, even if 10-20 works fail, but if even one work is successful, you will earn Rs. 1 crore. can earn more than
The problem of most of the people is that when a work fails, they start crying about the failure. For such people, Law of Attraction does not work. Here, only those people can be successful who are not going to give up on the work.
If you are able to do this then Law of Attraction will work 100% for you and you can earn Rs 1 crore in a year or even more than what you might have asked for.
Conclusion – How to earn money from Law of Attraction
So here is an important information about what is Law of Attraction, in which we have given complete information in detail about how it works and how to earn money from it, so that you can understand it better.
I hope this information on How to make money through Law of Attraction would have been useful for you. If you have any question in your mind, you can ask in the comments and also share this post with your friends so that more people can read this post.
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