Unlocking Wealth: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Make Money in Little Alchemy 2

By | October 31, 2023
how to make money in little alchemy 2

Little Alchemy 2 is a captivating game that allows players to explore the wonders of the alchemical world. As you combine various elements to create new ones, you may stumble upon the elusive secret of how to make money. In this article, we will unlock the alchemical mysteries and guide you through the process of accumulating wealth in this enchanting game.

  1. Paper + Gold: The first step towards amassing riches in Little Alchemy 2 is to combine the elements of paper and gold. By merging these two elements, you will create the ultimate symbol of wealth: money. This combination serves as the foundation for financial prosperity, opening up a realm of possibilities in your alchemical journey.

  2. Diamond + Paper: Another lucrative combination in Little Alchemy 2 involves the fusion of diamond and paper. By combining these elements, you discover a new form of currency that holds immense value. The shimmering brilliance of the diamond combined with the practicality of paper creates a powerful symbol of wealth in the game.

  3. Paper + Bank: For those who seek a more institutional approach to wealth creation, the combination of paper and bank is the key. As you merge these elements, you unlock the potential to generate substantial riches. This combination represents the accumulation of money through the financial systems that govern society.

  4. Experiment and Explore: While the above combinations provide a solid foundation for wealth creation in Little Alchemy 2, it’s essential to remember that alchemy is an art of experimentation and exploration. Don’t be afraid to combine different elements and discover new combinations that may lead to unexpected sources of wealth. The game’s vast array of elements offers countless possibilities for creative alchemists to uncover hidden treasures.

  5. Utilize the Hint System: If you find yourself stuck or in need of inspiration, Little Alchemy 2 offers a hint system to assist you on your alchemical journey. By utilizing hints, you can uncover new combinations and accelerate your progress towards financial prosperity. However, use them sparingly, as the true joy of the game lies in the thrill of discovery.

  6. Think Beyond Money: While the pursuit of wealth is enticing, it’s important to remember that Little Alchemy 2 is not solely about accumulating money. The true magic of the game lies in the process of experimentation, discovery, and the joy of combining elements to create something new. Embrace the journey, and let the wealth be a byproduct of your alchemical endeavors.




Little Alchemy 2 offers a captivating world where alchemy and wealth intertwine. By combining elements such as paper, gold, diamond, and bank, players can unlock the secrets of monetary creation. Remember to experiment, explore, and utilize the hint system to uncover new combinations and expand your alchemical repertoire. But above all, let the joy of discovery and the magic of alchemy guide your path. Happy alchemizing, and may your wealth in Little Alchemy 2 be as boundless as your imagination!