How to use WhatsApp without internet or mobile data

By | September 27, 2023
WhatsApp without internet

WhatsApp is an instant messaging application that has not only succeeded in displacing the once-popular SMS messages, but is also slowly starting to replace traditional phone calls and video conferencing.

Despite its versatility, this platform has (or had) a serious limitation: without an internet connection, be it mobile data or WiFi, it doesn’t work. It is enough to try to send a message from a place with no or low reception to realize that all the functions that we like so much about WhatsApp become completely useless.

However, there is a way to manage to send messages offline or offline. This is the method known as “WhatsApp Proxy”, which means that you have to use a server through which it is possible to store and send messages even if there is no connection to the Internet.

What is a proxy?

It is a platform that triangulates information from one communication platform to another. There are free and paid ones, and depending on the case, they work both to hide a user and to protect the information that is emptied on the internet. By using a proxy server, messages are filtered by a third party, so the end-to-end encrypted protection that WhatsApp offers is virtually nullified.

Using this type of service can also affect the speed with which certain messages are shared, since by adding an intermediary, the information takes longer to get from one point to another. It is important to point out that before choosing a proxy server to send WhatsApp messages offline, it is worth investigating it and seeing which one is the most reliable and secure.

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Meta, the company behind this app, does not provide third-party addresses but in no way condemns or prohibits their use. On the contrary, on the official page there are exhaustive guides to do it safely.

How to use a proxy to send WhatsApp messages offline?

Make sure you have the most up-to-date version of this instant messaging platform regardless of whether you use an Android or iOS phone. Enter WhatsApp and go to the “Settings” or “Configuration” section. There you will see a menu that includes the “data storage” option.

Select the “proxy” option and activate it. Subsequently, you must enter the IP address of the proxy that you have chosen, and click on “Save”. If the numerical combination of the proxy you chose is correct, a green dot will appear indicating that there is communication between WhatsApp and the server where your messages will be stored before reaching the recipient.

If you already knew this method, you can also customize a chat port only to exchange messages and designate another to receive multimedia files such as voice messages, images or videos. This feature is available for both Android and iPhone.