Apple Knows iPhone Users’ Sexual Interests and Religion, Allegedly

By | September 27, 2023

Apple is a company that prides itself on protecting privacy. Former Apple chief Steve Jobs once reprimanded Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg for not protecting privacy, even putting him on stage. The company has also blamed Google Android. Meanwhile, the company claimed that what happens on your Apple devices ends there, and no one else knows.

∙ Data will be collected even if analytics sharing is turned off

However, according to new studies, Apple collects a lot of information about users. User can turn off analytics sharing to prevent data collection. However, a new study suggests that Apple is collecting information about users even from devices that are turned off. It is alleged that Apple is aware of every move that the user makes, mainly in Apple’s own apps such as the App Store, Apple Music, Apple TV, Books and the Stocks app.

∙ Apple knows including religion and sexual interests

It is alleged that these apps are constantly giving Apple information about which apps a user is looking at, what his interests are in terms of sex and religion, what stocks he checks, what ads a person sees, and more. Information transmitted is not anonymous. Rather, it contains his ID numbers and what device he is using. (This is called fingerprinting.)

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∙ A year after the controversial law that destroyed Facebook

Privacy Control is a controversial system introduced by Apple. This mainly affected Facebook. Facebook’s revenue has fallen by around $10 billion a year. The controversial law allows the user to allow or not allow the app to know their online activities while downloading apps on Apple devices, including the iPhone. Facebook was hacked when most of the users did not give tracking permission to protect their privacy. Facebook ads were shown using this data.

∙ It is not clear what caused the change in Apple’s position

Meanwhile, it is not clear why Apple changed its stance. Journalists sought Apple’s response in light of the new revelations, but the company has yet to respond. According to the researchers, the change in Apple’s behavior can be seen from iOS 14.6 onwards. They also say that it is possible to see it in the latest iOS 16.

∙ Data collection is serious

Gizmodo says Apple’s data collection is serious. According to Gizmodo’s report, we take the position that none of us are tracking you, while monitoring your activities. App developers and security researchers Tommy Mysk and Talal Haj Bakri are behind the new study. They conducted the study for a company called Misc. The researchers allege that Apple is collecting data whether or not it states that it does not want to collect its data for analysis.

∙ Health data is not sent to Apple

The researchers allege that the user’s actions, including in Apple’s App Store, are being recorded in real-time, including ID numbers and information about which device is being used, and are being transferred to Apple in real-time. At the same time, researchers say that Apple’s apps like Health and Wallet do not leak any data. However, the researchers also released a link that sends data from the Stocks app ( iOS 16 also sends similar data apps to Apple.

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∙ Some data may be dangerous

According to the report, the data collected in this way includes the user’s mental health, sexual interests, addictions and even religious interests, which many users do not like. It is not possible to know what Apple uses this information for. In any case, the researchers are of the opinion that such data ends up on the servers of corporate companies.

∙ Aiming for a new advertising empire?

Revenues from sales of Apple devices may no longer increase. There are those who believe that this could be the beginning of an attempt to create a new advertising empire for the company to generate additional revenue. Microsoft’s Edge browser and Google Chrome comply when told not to transfer data, the researchers say.