What to do if WhatsApp web crashes or Not working

By | September 27, 2023
whatsapp web not working

WhatsApp has gained a place in the lives of Indians to such an extent that it can be said that life without WhatsApp is like porridge without salt. What makes WhatsApp our favorite app is the ease with which it can accomplish many things apart from chatting. India has become the country with the largest number of WhatsApp users in the world because of WhatsApp’s ability to provide various services.


Reports have already emerged that Indians are leading the way in using WhatsApp, including for business purposes, rather than engaging in private conversations with others. Being able to use WhatsApp on a computer (desktop/laptop) in addition to a smartphone is very useful for people. There are many people who rely on WhatsApp for work and other purposes. Web WhatsApp is very helpful for such people.

But sometimes when trying to use WhatsApp web, due to various reasons, it gets blocked and WhatsApp is not available in the system. Let’s look at some of the causes and solutions to such problems. Knowing these will come in handy on any occasion.

Clear your system cache and cookies

At times, old cache and cookies may interfere with the functionality of WhatsApp Web. To avoid this from happening you should clear your browser’s cache and cookies. This problem can be solved by clearing the history of the browser. If you are using Google Chrome, click on the three dots on the top right side of the screen and select History to delete the history. Or press CTRL+H.

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Then select the option to clear history there. There give option to clear including cache, cookie etc. Then you can login to WhatsApp web again and start using it.

Update WhatsApp on your phone

If your smartphone is running an older version of WhatsApp then WhatsApp web may cause problems. So if WhatsApp is not working on the system first check if the WhatsApp on your phone is updated. Go to Google Play Store and Apple App Store and search for WhatsApp. If the update option is given there, update and switch to the latest version of WhatsApp.

Update your internet browser

One of the reasons if WhatsApp is not working on your system could be the outdated web browser you are using. So it is better to make sure that the web browser is always updated version. If you are using Google Chrome for browsing, go to Settings and then click on the About Chrome option. The browser on your system is updated or Google Chrome will start the update automatically.

In the current situation, it has become normal for WhatsApp to crash from time to time. Recently WhatsApp also went on strike with no services available for almost two hours. There is nothing special we can do in such situations. The only solution is to wait and see if anyone else is facing the same problem and make sure.