Telegram has gained immense popularity in the last few years. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov recently announced that Telegram users will soon be able to buy and sell usernames on a platform called Fragment. Compared to competitors like WhatsApp and Signal, Telegram has many features that enhance the user experience. If you are someone who uses Telegram for work, personal or business purposes, you may find the message scheduling feature more useful. How to use the built-in schedule message feature in Telegram
How to Schedule Messages in TelegramÂ
- Open Telegram and open the group or individual chat you want to message.
- Type the message you want to send and instead of clicking on the Send icon at the bottom right of the screen, long tap and you will see two options.
- Select the ‘Schedule Message’ option and Telegram will show presets where messages can be sent in the next 30 minutes, two hours or eight hours.
- If you want to send the message at the desired time or date, select the option, through which you can select the time and date along with which you want to schedule the message, on the blue button
- Tap on the blue button and the message will arrive at the scheduled time