Ride in a car with the risk of a heart attack? Check out these Products if not…

By | September 27, 2023

There is only one answer to the question of what is the first thing a human needs to survive, fresh air. We are living in a country where air pollution is getting worse due to various reasons. As the air becomes more polluted every day, many people are reporting diseases like allergies and asthma. Viruses themselves spread through the atmosphere and cause diseases, which is also a challenge today.

The cleanliness of the air around us is a factor that has a lot to do with our health. A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) says that bad air can cause not only serious health problems but also heart attacks. Prolonged exposure to air pollution can cause narrowing of blood vessels in people with heart disease. And researchers warn that it can cause narrowing of the arteries, which can lead to heart attacks.

Experts say air pollution is the fourth highest risk factor for mortality after tobacco use, high blood pressure and poor diet. According to the World Health Organization, air pollution kills 4.2 million people every year. It means that we are walking towards danger without knowing it.

Air pollution problems are relatively less for those who stay at home, but not so for those who travel frequently. Our roads are crowded with vehicles. And there will be a lot of dust. Therefore, health problems and risks due to air pollution are very high among the travelers.

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But there are ways to reduce the impact of health problems caused by air pollution for those who travel in cars and the like. That is possible by availing the services of portable car air purifiers. There are various portable car air purifiers available in the market today that are capable of reducing the level of air pollution inside the vehicle and removing toxic gases and viruses.

People who have no particular health problems but want to protect their health and the health of their companions can use these devices as a preventive measure against air pollution during car journeys. Let’s get to know some of the best car air purifiers you can buy to combat the effects of air pollution.

Kent 15003 Magic

The Kent 15003 Magic is one of the most affordable portable car air purifier models in terms of price. The Kent 15003 Magic is a car air purifier product suitable for a small room of about 110 square feet. The company claims that this product can clean 99.97 percent of fine particles and toxic gases. The Kent 15003 Magic comes with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate arrestance filter) filter. The Kent 15003 Magic Car Air Purifier with a CADR rating of 16.5 cubic meters per hour is also available on Flipkart for Rs 2,199.

Refair AX30

The Refair AX30 Car Air Purifier comes with an H13 HEPA filter that helps remove allergens and other gases. Its design is perfect for a small room of 100 square feet. Built with ABS, this car comes with a one-touch button air purifier.

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The Refair AX30 Car Air Purifier also has three speed settings to choose from as per the need. With a CADR rating of 16 cubic meters per hour, it also gets an ionizer built-in. Use only 1.5W. Also emits a mild fragrance. The price is Rs 2,469.

Nebel Car Air Purifier Ionizer

The company claims that the Nebel Car Air Purifier Ionizer is capable of removing 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria, PM 2.5 and PM 10 particles. If the company is right, this is a great model to consider for those looking to buy a car air purifier. Suitable for use in areas less than 30 square meters, this model works without batteries. Its sound is less than 30 decibels. It also has three fan modes. Blue LED is built-in so it can be used as a night light as well. It is priced at Rs 4,999.

Sharp Automotive Air Purifier IG-GC2E-B

Sharp Automotive Air Purifier IG-GC2E-B is an air purifier model that costs a little more but is very useful. This sharp product works by releasing negative and positive ions to help retain skin moisture and remove static charge. The company says that laboratories like IIT Delhi and British Allergy Foundation have certified the properties of this device. It is built to suit the area of ​​3.6 meter cube. Another feature is that this model, suitable for all hatchbacks, sedans and SUVs, can be easily charged using a USB port or car charger. 6,990 Rs is the price.

Philips GoPure GP5212

One of the most expensive car air purifiers is the Philips GoPure GP5212. Functionality is what makes this air purifier stand out. With a CADR of 16m cube, the Philips GoPure GP5212 Air Purifier can clean half the air in a sedan or SUV in ten minutes. The company claims that this model, which comes in the market with a HEPA filter, can eliminate 98 percent of exhaust gases such as NO2, SO2, VOC, smoke, bacteria, viruses and odors. The company also offers replaceable filters and an allergy filter for people with allergies or asthma. You can buy this Philips product from Amazon for Rs 8,500